
Showing posts with label renewable energy system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label renewable energy system. Show all posts

photovoltaic systems

In this article I am going to talk about the first type of photovoltaic systems

On-grid system

**The mechanism

The solar panel convert the sunlight to electromotive force And give (DC) current .
This current transferred through the dc wire to the inverter
 Alternating current then this current will injection to the local grid

The components**

-          (The solar panel )

It convert the sun line to electromotive force

-          (Inverter )

It convert the direct current to Alternating current

-          Ac breaker

to provide  the necessary protection for the system

-          Dc and Ac conductor

"Dc"  wire to transfer the dc current from the solar panel to the inverter 
"Ac"  wire to transfer the ac current from the inverter to the grid 
 in the next post we are going to talk about off-grid system and the main differences
 between on and off grid system 



Wind Energy

Wind Energy :
we are always looking for ways to protect the earth that we are living on, these ways contains the renewable energy.
We will talk about one of these energies and that will be the wind energy.
We call these type of energy as green energy, because it helps to make our earth still green as we know it.
Wind Energy: is a clean energy source that can be found for a long time I future. Wind energy converts the natural wind in our environment and coverts that wind motion to a mechanical energy.
As we know the different location in the world have different speed or power of wind that is caused by difference in pressure. So there some locations better than other to have a power from the wind there.
Wind Turbines: it’s a big structure with spinning blades. The blades are connected to an electro-magnetic generator that give us the electricity power when the wind makes the blades spin.

advantages of Wind Energy 

1. Clean Source of Power

The production of wind energy is “clean”. Unlike using coal or oil, creating energy from the wind doesn’t pollute the air or require any destructive chemicals. 

2. Renewable Source

Wind is free. In the event that you live in a geological area that gets a lot of wind, it is ready and waiting. As a renewable asset, wind can never be drained like other regular, non-renewable assets. The expense of delivering wind energy has dropped fundamentally lately, and as it becomes more popular with the general population, it will just continue to be cheaper. You will recover the expense of obtaining and introducing your wind turbine over time.
Winds are caused by rotation of the earth, heating of the atmosphere by sun, and earth’s surface irregularities. We can harness wind energy and use it to generate power as long as sun shines and wind blows.

3. Cost Effective

Wind turbines can give energy to numerous homes. You don’t actually have to possess a wind turbine keeping in mind the end goal to harvest the profits; you can buy your power from a service organization that offers wind energy for a specific area. That means, you don’t even necessarily have to invest any cash in order to reap the benefits of wind energy for your home or business.

4. Extra Savings for Land Owners

Land holders who rent area to wind homesteads can make a considerable amount of additional cash, and wind energy likewise makes new employments in this developing engineering field. Government organizations will also pay you if they can install wind turbines on your land. Also, in some cases, the electric company may wind up owing you. If you produce more power than you require from wind power, it may go into the general electric matrix, which in turn will make you some extra cash. A win all around

Image result for wind energy

Solar Energy

now we are going to talk about solar energy 
solar energy has tow main type :
1- thermal energy 
2- photovoltaics 


 in this article we are going to show some information about photovoltaics technology 
Before start to explain the photoelectric technology we must know from where the sun got this enormous energy .
inside the sun it happens nuclear fusion interactions produce heat and light energy between the atoms of helium and oxygen .
The amount of light from the sun reach the Earth penetrates the atmosphere and clouds. Some of this energy is refracted and some distracted and some is absorbed by the atmosphere is up to the earth in the form of photons with high kinetic energy .
in this period pv technology was discovered and it is based on converting the kinetic energy of the photons into electrical energy
By using a semiconductor material where photons editing a stream of electrons and move them to the outside of the cell through the conductor material and is this flow of electrons so-called the current .

 types of solar cell :

till now we have three type of solar panel 

the most efficient is the monocrystalline but the most used is the polycrystalline because it does not affected by high temperature 

Thank you for your attention
note : in the next article we are going to know the compound of pv-system and the two main types on grid and stand alone systems .

The Energy


The energy 

Before we begin explained about renewable energy there is information that you should know about the the energy .

What is energy ?

I notice that when I ask this question , they usually have trouble giving an exact definition.
And I must say it is not easy.

The scientific definition for energy would be something like: the capacity of a system to perform work.

why we need energy ?

We humans use energy to do some work.
We use energy for heating air and water.
We use energy for transportation of people and products by cars, trains, trucks and planes.
We use energy to produce food and products.
We use energy to illuminate houses and streets.
We use energy to watch TV, do our laundry, working on computers and surfing the internet.
At the moment you are consuming energy to read our post 

 what is the types of energy ? 

Energy appears in many forms in our daily life, like, kinetic or mechanical energy, electrical energy, heat radiation, wave energy, chemical energy and nuclear energy.
The total amount of energy is always conserved.
This means that if we want energy to work for us, we usually convert it from one form to another form.
An example is the electric motor, this is a tool in which we convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.

The unit of energy :

The unit of energy is joule (J)
Power is the energy per time and is expressed in watts (W).
1 watt is 1 joule per second.
1 kWh equals the energy of a power of 1 kW being used for 1 hour .
Thanks for paying attention
note:{ the next post will be about the first type of renewable energy and the most popular type 
          "the solar energy " and we will learn the tow types of solar energy } .

introduction to renewable energy


? What is the renewable energy 

               The renewable energy is any sustainable energy sources that comes from the natural environment 

?why we are must use renewable energy 

all the Country about the world think now how to Reduce annual oil consumption in the domestic market through reliance on alternative and renewable energy
In another hand the renewable energy is clean 100%, leading to get a cleaner and less health problems, environment
last but not least the Renewable energy sources can not be a permanent force, unlike the rest of the energy sources

? what is the source of the renewable energy

we have alot of source for renewable energy some of this source are solar energy ,wind energy , geothermal energy , biomass energy and more source will talk about it in the next post
Thanks for your attention


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